American Nurses Outperform Outsourcing

By |2015-06-15T21:20:18-04:00June 15th, 2015|Blog|

Is offshore outsourcing the future of medical record analysis? I certainly hope not. The purpose of a medical chronology is to isolate critical data for the attorney and his experts. Attorneys need a focused chronology that isolates relevant facts with an explanation of why that fact is important. This allows them to formulate questionnaires and [...]

Hearsay vs. Testimony – by Katy Jones

By |2015-05-15T22:09:31-04:00May 15th, 2015|Blog|

New legal nurse consultants sometimes confuse the concepts of hearsay and testimony. Some LNCs believe that it's hearsay when patients and families provide a different version of events than the medical records do. However, in Law, that version of events, when given at deposition or trial, is testimony, and it's just as valid as the [...]

Stroke and CHI – Key Concepts

By |2015-02-07T15:33:47-05:00February 7th, 2015|Blog|

Head injuries or brain damage can occur anywhere - in the workplace, in an MVA, in medical malpractice, toxic torts, a domestic fall, and environmental exposures. Litigated head injuries generally arise from two sources: 1. Accidents a. blunt trauma (fall, violent blow or MVA) b. penetrating trauma (gunshot) 2. Medical causation (stroke) a. ischemic (a [...]

The Autopsy – A Dying Recommendation

By |2014-07-31T21:06:50-04:00July 31st, 2014|Blog|

In recent decades, there has been a marked drop in autopsy requests. In the distant past, any death within the first 24 hours of admission triggered an autopsy. Any unexplained death in or out of the hospital; any accidental death with questionable etiology required an autopsy. JCAHO required 20% of hospital deaths to undergo autopsy [...]

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